



Take a peek and see what is to come


Take a look at our completed projects

Ramgoolam Group

The objective was to redesign the organisation’s business website, creating a clean layout with sufficient white space to make the images stand out and modern fonts for the text content to maintain consistency with design throughout the website.

Psych For Change

The objective was to create a minimalistic blog site that focused on typography rather than imagery. A simple colour palette would be utilised to compliment the typography. The utilisation of java scripting was required to achieve a custom cursor.

Komani Projects

The aim was to develop and design a three-page website that focused on all significant information regarding Komani Projects. The home page would include information about the organisation, the clients and services offered, along with a project and contact page. An appropriate colour palette had to be utilised in order to correspond with the logo design.

Silver Spoon

The aim was to develop and design a straightforward two-page website that highlighted the purpose of the NPO. An appropriate colour palette had to correspond and complement the logo design.

Als of Niks

The objective was to redesign the home page, contact page, the “enter now” page and accommodation page. An appropriate colour palette had to correspond and complement the logo design.

Reuels Group

The aim was to develop and design a four-page website which included a great amount of information and images that were necessary for the outcome of the project. The ultimate goal was to focus on the main services that are offered by the company while utilising a colour palette that complimented the “R” in Reuels Group.

DJ Darshy

The objective was to develop and design a straightforward, two-page website that highlighted the client’s services, personalised playlist and a section for “giving back to the community”; along with an integration of a colour palette chosen by the client.

Green Supreme

The objective was to create a distinctive, four page website which included a home page, new to cannabis page, a page for products and finally a contact page. An appropriate colour palette had to correspond and complement the logo design.

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